August 17, 2011

Forgotten Cookies

I have made several types of cookies over the years, but none quite like this recipe. There isn't the first bit of flour in them and require being left in the oven for hours, its no wonder they're promptly named Forgotten Cookies.

Ingredients: 2 Egg Whites
2/3 Cup Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 6oz. Package Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 1/2 Cups Rice Krispies and Pecans (combined)
Pinch of Salt

In a large bowl, beat the Egg Whites until very stiff

Gradually add in the Sugar while beating

Add the Vanilla

And Salt mixing well

Stir in the Chocolate Chips

Rice Krispies

And Pecans

Mix by hand

Portion the Batter out onto two (foil lined) baking sheets and place into preheated oven at 350F, immediately turn the oven off and let sit undisturbed for 4 hours

After 4 hours have passed, remove the cookies and enjoy

This recipe is very unique, they have a soft crunch on the outside with a gooey middle like marshmallow, kind of reminds me of a goo-goo bar. They are very sweet but just as equally delicious, enjoy them with milk or by themselves.

Creme Brulee

I was perusing a copy of The Blue Willow Inn Bible of Southern Cooking the other day when the description of this Creme Brulee struck my fancy. The recipe comes from Anita Perry (First Lady of Texas), and was one of Former Governor Ann Richards favorites, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Ingredients: 8 Egg Yolks
1 Pint Heavy Creme
1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
1/4 tsp. Vanilla Flavoring
Pinch of Salt
Light Brown Sugar

In a large bowl beat the Eggs

In a heavy (non-aluminum) sauce pan, combine the Creme



And Salt, then bring to a near boil (DO NOT BOIL)

Slowly add the Creme mixture to the Egg Yolks while continuously mixing on low speed  to avoid beating air into the mix

Strain through cheesecloth into four 7oz. or eight 4oz. custard cups

Place the filled ramekins in a water bath two-thirds up the side of the cups and place into preheated oven at 350F

Bake for 25-40 minutes (or until the center sets)

Remove the Custards from the oven and cool to room temperature, then wrap tightly with saran wrap and chill 8 hours to over night.

Once fully cooled, remove from the refridgerator and unwrap

Sprinkle the top with Brown Sugar

Melt the Sugar using a blow torch or your ovens broiler setting

Let the Sugar cool before serving

This was my first time making Creme Brulee, it was very enjoyable. The texture is somewhat like Flan except creamier, and the hardened sugar added just enough crunch and sweetness. This is definitely a dessert worth mastering to share with family and friends, as well as serving at dinner parties.