November 13, 2011

Cream Cheese Oreo Dips

I received a e-mail not to long ago from a friend (The Todd) asking if I had ever had Cream Cheese and Oreos rolled into balls and covered in Chocolate. I replied that I hadn't but would like to have the recipe, to which his reply was of course, the recipe. So I went out and gathered the ingredients and below is my attempt at recreating the instructions.

Ingredients: 2 Packages Oreos (or generic store brand)
16 oz. Cream Cheese
White/Milk Chocolate for Dipping

Place the Cookies into a sealable bag

Then smash them into powdery pieces

Combine the crushed Cookies and Cream Cheese together in a bowl

Mix thoroughly

Roll into balls and place onto wax paper, then freeze for thirty minutes

In separate bowls, melt the two chocolates while the Cookies harden

Once cooled enough, remove the Cookies from the freezer

Dip both sides into the Chocolate

Make sure to get a even coating

Then place back on the wax paper 

Once all the Cookies have been dipped, put them back into the freezer until the Chocolate solidifies

Eat and enjoy

At first I was skeptical of what kind of concoction Todd had e-mailed me, especially after seeing the blackened grey mess all the ingredients mixed together made. However, after waiting for the finished product to cool then trying one for myself, it put all my skepticism aside. The Cream Cheese really adds a nice flavor to the Oreos (while holding everything together), and the Chocolate ties it all together without being too overbearingly sweet. Ill definitely make these again, but next time Id like to try a different flavored creme cookie other than Oreos.


Amanda Johnson said...

Those lemon cookies... mmmm...

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